Secure AP provides a long term strategy.
We shift clients’ basic Accounts payable processing to a long term AP Management strategy.
Secure AP provides affordable outsourced services.
We provide affordable and competitive outsourced Accounts payable services.
Secure AP utilizes secure technology.
We utilize state-of-the art and secured software technologies, including paperless processes and invoice automation.
Secure AP offers 24/7 data accessibility.
We provide top-quality and customized cloud-based software that is equipped with a client portal to allow uninterrupted access to client information.
Secure AP is experienced and reliable.
The Secure AP managing team has experience with accounts payable, software integration, coupled with business development and management.

How Accounts Payable Outsourcing Works

When you hire a third party to manage the accounts payable activities of your business, it is called accounts payable outsourcing. The outsourcing firms provide you with the expertise, resources, and technology that are beneficial to manage your company’s accounts payable. These outsourced firms incorporate the latest features that contribute to providing your company with effective operational activities. Accounts payable firms are effective because they do not just enhance your business’s AP processing but also develop new features to make the accounting operations run smoothly and efficiently. 

The set of defined rules and regulations makes outsourcing accounts payable easy to manage. The outsourced firms are responsible for focusing entirely on the company’s AP processing, general bookkeeping, and invoice payment processing. The accounts payable outsourcing firms are careful to avoid any errors during the process. 

The factors that set the top accounts payable firms apart from their competitors are their efficiency in augmenting the company’s capital and cash flow. These outsourcing firms contribute to efficiently handle the AP processes of businesses, which as a result, reduces the cost of overseeing accounts payable.

Accounts Payable Outsourcing vs. Accounts Payable Automation

Many people fail to differentiate between accounts payable outsourcing and accounts payable automation. Accounts payable outsourcing is when a company decides to hire a third party to manage and run its AP processes. Meanwhile, accounts payable automation refers to the process when a company uses third-party software to streamline its in-house accounts payable system.

outsource accounts payable processing secure ap solutions

Why Should You Choose To Outsource Accounts Payable Processing?

There are various benefits when it comes to outsourcing the accounts payable process. However, most businesses tend to adhere to the old-school methods for managing their AP processes. The processes such as optical character recognition (OCR) and paper invoicing have long been substituted with innovative AP processing methods such as E-invoicing and electronic tools. The companies who do not assimilate to the new methods install outdated and expensive accounting software that is heavy on the pocket and contribute little to none in increasing productivity. So, instead of investing your time and money in this, it is better to hire a firm to outsource your accounts payable process. 

Outsourcing accounts payable processes significantly boosts your business without needing to update your system constantly. Outsourcing accounts payable tasks help people to focus on other important matters of the company. People in business prefer to outsource their accounting tasks to avoid dealing with complex regulatory measures. However, before you plan to outsource, ensure that the firm you choose is trustworthy and efficient in handling the financial and confidential data that you will provide it. 

Although the pros of outsourcing accounts payable weigh heavier than the cons, you must understand that being ignorant towards your outsourcing firm’s reputation, or you can suffer heavy losses. 


Accounts payable outsourcing is an easy and productive method to manage your accounts related to the vendors. There is a set of defined rules and regulations that determines the working of accounts payable outsourcing. In today’s business world, most companies tend to outsource their accounts payable processing to boost their businesses while avoiding investing in expensive software.